Module 1: Exploring the Features of Businesses
About Lesson

Video case study – The Purpose of a Business


Another not-for-profit company is Antur Stiniog mountain biking company. 

Antur Stiniog

“Antur Stiniog is a not-for-profit social enterprise. It was established in June 2007, having received pledges of support from more than 2000 local residents, each sharing the same vision: ‘To develop the potential of the Outdoor Sector in the Ffestiniog area in a sustainable and innovative way for the benefit of the local residents and economy".

Antur Stiniog Website


Antur Stiniog aims to realise this vision through several exciting projects which vary from enjoyment and training in the sector to developing a series of mountain bike trails in the area.” (Antur Stiniog website).


Antur Stiniog

Watch the video and reflect on the following questions (This video is in Welsh.

What is the main purpose of Antur Stiniog?

Does it have other purposes as well?